[Cacfp] ServSafe Class Open to CACFP Operators!

Taylor, April April.Taylor at maine.gov
Thu May 25 13:42:27 EDT 2023

The following 2-day ServSafe Class/Exam is available to CACFP operators!  The cost is $102.  Limit 1 staff person per CACFP organization.  Pre-registration is required.

Location:         Sanford Middle School
52 Spartan Drive

Date/Time:     Friday, October 6, 2023
Lunch is Provided

Saturday, October 7, 2023
8:00am-approximately 11:00 to begin the exam

* Books are ordered and mailed once registration has ended
* Please note start times for each day
* Bring photo id, pen or pencils with erasers
* Bring your book, be sure the answer sheet is in the book
* You must provide an email address as certificates are sent via email.
* Please note testing start time on the second day

To Register: http://events.egov.com/eventreg/ME/event.htm?name=cnservsafeclassexamsanford106723

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