FW: Maine Local Roads Highlights

Sobiecki, Tammy Tammy.Sobiecki at maine.gov
Mon Nov 25 10:29:48 EST 2024

Good morning & happy Monday all,

Just a few notes to keep y’all in the loop:

  *   The 73rd Transportation Conference is December 5th at the Augusta Civic Center.  Many hundreds of participants will be able to take part in presentations on major transportation policy issues along with many technical issues.  There will also be 70+ vendor booths along with UMaine student paper presentations, a bridge breaking contest, and plenty of networking. FMI https://mbtaonline.regfox.com/73rd-maine-transportation-conference
  *   Snow & Ice workshops are wrapping up; last one is tomorrow in North Yarmouth; majority of feedback thus far is the importance for decision makers to attend as changes can only be made via upper management
  *   Looking for feedback for what other workshops we could potentially plan, other than Work Zone Traffic Control & Supervisory Leadership this spring, i.e., Roadway Fundamentals, Basics of the MUTCD, Drainage, Gravel Roads, Trees/Weeds/Roads
  *   In the Road Pedestrian Signs – MANY have been disbursed; we have a few more left so if interested, let me know
  *   2025 Wall Calendars – PLENTY left; if you would like more, let me know
  *   We have many new 2024 Manual on Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) manuals.  This manual covers all aspects of road signs, pavement markings, work zones, school areas, etc.   Every town should have this updated version; we are selling for $75, much lower than market price; if interested, let me know


Tammy Sobiecki
Maine Local Roads Center
Program Coordinator
16 SHS
24 Child St.
Augusta, ME  04333
Tammy.sobiecki at maine.gov<mailto:Tammy.sobiecki at maine.gov>

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