Calendars, workshops, RSMS & more!

Sobiecki, Tammy Tammy.Sobiecki at
Tue Oct 8 10:04:30 EDT 2024

Good morning all!

It was nice to see those of you that attended the MMA Convention last week.  Unfortunately, are calendars did not come in for this event AND I'm still waiting.... They were promised by the end of September...  So it looks like we will have to mail to those of you interested.  I will be bringing them with me to workshops to avoid having to mail them.  Hopefully I will receive them by the end of the week.  If interested, let me know (1 or 2?) & I will add you to my wait list.  2 max per town for now & if any leftover in December, I will offer up more.  Stay tuned....

I still have room in South Portland, Standish & North Yarmouth for Snow & Ice workshops if you haven't had a chance to sign up.  All other classes are FULL!

RSMS is in full swing again!  Our infamous creator, Dan Rahmlow, has been contracted to offer assistance and for purchasing.  FMI, contact me & I will put you in touch with him!

There are still plenty of In the Road Pedestrian signs to give away!  If you haven't responded yet, please do so and I will add you to this wait list as well.  I will let you know when they come in & most likely they will be able to be picked up at the various MaineDOT regions.

Lastly, our VACANT Transportation Planning Specialist position posting ends tomorrow.  If you're interested in applying, see:

Have a great day & enjoy your week!

Tammy Sobiecki
Maine Local Roads Center
Program Coordinator
16 SHS
24 Child St.
Augusta, ME  04333
Tammy.sobiecki at<mailto:Tammy.sobiecki at>

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