FW: Workshops

Sobiecki, Tammy Tammy.Sobiecki at maine.gov
Tue Jun 11 12:27:16 EDT 2024

Good morning all!

I know summer is just starting, we just wrapped up a ton of spring workshops (if you haven't paid or received an invoice yet, I'm working on it) & had a successful Highway Congress, but I need to look ahead at scheduling Fall workshops & would like your input!

We will continue to do Snow & Ice control workshops (if there's a need).  I'm also looking to schedule a few additional workshops.  Please let me know what you would be interested in, if you could potentially HOST the workshop & how many attendees you would have attend:

  *   Snow & Ice Control
     *   Full Day?
     *   Half Day?
  *   Drainage, Drainage, Drainage
  *   All About the MUTCD
  *   Trees, Weeds & Roads

Your help is greatly appreciated!!

Tammy Sobiecki
Maine Local Roads Center
Program Coordinator
16 SHS
24 Child St.
Augusta, ME  04333
Tammy.sobiecki at maine.gov<mailto:Tammy.sobiecki at maine.gov>

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