FW: Highway Congress, Workshops, Salt AND MORE!

Sobiecki, Tammy Tammy.Sobiecki at maine.gov
Wed May 1 13:30:42 EDT 2024

Good afternoon!

As Pete & I wind down from workshops - 8 Work Zone Traffic Control sessions, as well as 2 of 4 Roadway Fundamentals (last 2 are next week in Wilton & Brewer), we will be getting ready for Part II of Supervisory Leadership May 21 - 23, as well as the Highway Congress in Skowhegan on June 6, 2024.

I still have some availability for Roadway Fundamentals if you would like to attend.  This is a great resource for city councilors, selectboard members, town officials & public works employees.  Email me to register!!

The Highway Congress invite should be emailed to you soon from Maine Municipal Association:  https://www.memun.org/Training/mcapwas-highway-congress

Finally - I'm in the process of sending to Procurement the list of 200+/- municipalities expressing interest in getting a price from us.  The deadline to respond was last Friday.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Tammy Sobiecki
Maine Local Roads Center
Program Coordinator
16 SHS
24 Child St.
Augusta, ME  04333
Tammy.sobiecki at maine.gov<mailto:Tammy.sobiecki at maine.gov>

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