FW: Municipal Stream Crossing Grant Program

Sobiecki, Tammy Tammy.Sobiecki at maine.gov
Wed Nov 29 09:45:42 EST 2023

This email is going to every town/city/county in Maine.  Please forward this to any others who may be interested in this info........ Road Com's'rs, PWDirectors, selectboard, etc......... thanks.

The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) is seeking applications for the Municipal Stream Crossing Program (grant program) to provide competitive grants that help fund the upgrade of municipal culverts at stream crossings with the goal of improving fish and wildlife habitat and community safety.

This grant program was formerly implemented by Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) under the same name in each of the last 8 years or so..

Eligible project sponsors include local and tribal governments, counties, municipal conservation commissions, soil and water conservation districts, and private nonprofit organizations. Applicants may request up to $200,000 for projects that include scoping, design, and construction and must include a minimum of $5,000 of local match. Applications must be received by January 19, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. local time to be considered.

Training and technical assistance opportunities are available in support of project proposals with The Nature Conservancy and Maine Audubon. For more information, please visit https://maineaudubon.org/projects/stream-smart/ and/or reach out to Christian Fox, christian.fox at TNC.ORG<mailto:christian.fox at TNC.ORG>, or Sarah Haggerty, shaggerty at maineaudubon.org<mailto:shaggerty at maineaudubon.org>

Please refer to the "Municipal Stream Crossing Grant Program" Request for Applications (RFA) posted on MaineDOT's grants page<https://www.maine.gov/mdot/grants>.

Any and all questions should go to Taylor LaBrecque at MunicipalStreamCrossing.MDOT at maine.gov<MunicipalStreamCrossing.MDOT at maine.gov%20>


Peter M. Coughlan, P.E.
Director, Maine Local Roads Center (LTAP)
Community Services Division
MaineDOT, Station 16, 24 Child St
Augusta ME 04333-0016
Ph: 207/624-3266   FAX: 207/624-3301
peter.coughlan at maine.gov<mailto:peter.coughlan at maine.gov>

Integrity - Competence - Service

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