MCAPWA Golf Tournament Oct. 6 - Val Halla Golf Course

Coughlan, Peter Peter.Coughlan at
Wed Sep 27 15:37:51 EDT 2023

Hello folks,

The 26th Annual MCAPWA Golf Classic is next week! This is a great opportunity to reward yourself and your hard-working crew with a day on the links. They've worked their tails off this year - show your golfers that you appreciate their efforts. E-mail Jaime Madore at Jaime.Madore at<mailto:Jaime.Madore at> to let her know that you plan to attend. You can pay the registration fee at the door. Jaime will send you a registration form when you contact her.

If there are other people in your town who would enjoy the opportunity to get out of the office and meet a great group of people, don't hesitate to invite them. The more the merrier! I'll be working registration with Jaime next Friday morning. I hope to see you and your team members there for a little networking and a lot of fun!

This tournament will have 2-person teams, and will be a scramble format with an 8:30 shotgun start.

This tournament is for any municipal employees, MaineDOT and Maine Turnpike employees, as well as their friends, neighbors or relatives. Let's make this the largest Maine APWA golf tournament to date!

Cost: $80 per person. Includes green fees, cart, picnic lunch at the turn, and hors d'oeuvres at the end of the tournament. 50/50 Raffle, door prizes, and awards for the lowest overall score, longest drive, and closest to the pin.

All proceeds go to our APWA scholarship program. If you have any questions, please contact Jaime Madore at 207-749-3188 or via email at jaime.madore at<mailto:jaime.madore at>

Peter M. Coughlan, P.E.
Director, Maine Local Roads Center (LTAP)
Community Services Division
MaineDOT, Station 16, 24 Child St
Augusta ME 04333-0016
Ph: 207/624-3266   FAX: 207/624-3301
peter.coughlan at<mailto:peter.coughlan at>

Integrity - Competence - Service

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