[Cacfp] NEW Local Foods Opportunity for CACFP!
Taylor, April
April.Taylor at maine.gov
Tue Jan 14 08:37:54 EST 2025
On December 10, 2024, USDA released a Notice of Funding Opportunity<https://www.usda.gov/article/usda-announces-availability-113-billion-local-food-programs> (NOFO) for State agencies to access funds to purchase and distribute local foods for CACFP operators. The goal of this opportunity is to strengthen local and regional food systems, broaden partnerships with childcare institutions and local food networks, and ensure the use of fresh and nutritious foods in program meals.
Maine anticipates receiving $536,000 in funding for local foods for CACFP!
* This is a 3-year grant period.
* Maine currently has a little over 400 CACFP family childcare providers and about 186 CACFP center sites.
* Individual provider/site funding will likely be based on data regarding number of meals/snacks served in October.
* Individual providers/sites will have the option to "opt in/opt out" of program funding.
* Programs will receive reimbursement for the purchases of 'minimally processed' local foods- programs will not receive the money up front.
* Claims for reimbursement for local foods purchases will be submitted through an online software program called "Grants for ME".
* Claiming reimbursement for these funds will involve submitting dated, itemized receipts as well as information about products and producers.
* We hope to start this program in summer or fall of 2025.
As we make plans for applying for and distributing these funds, we need your feedback!
How this program is established here in Maine will depend on a variety of factors, such as: sponsor/provider/site capacity to file claims for reimbursement in a new system, provider/center needs/desires for local foods, availability of local foods, distribution of local foods, etc.
Please complete the following short CACFP Local Foods Funding Opportunity Survey<https://forms.office.com/Pages/DesignPageV2.aspx?prevorigin=shell&origin=NeoPortalPage&subpage=design&id=q6g_QX0gYkubzeoajy-GTjkRg43GkTRGl8oKaTh8Y-JUOUo3TzlRWE1YMjJQTEowWldMQURIME01SiQlQCNjPTEkJUAjdD1n>* by January 22nd, 2025 to give us your input on this exciting new local foods opportunity for CACFP!
*If you have difficulty accessing the survey, please complete the questionnaire below and return by email to April Taylor at April.taylor at maine.gov<mailto:April.taylor at maine.gov>
1. Do your sponsored facilities have an interest in receiving additional money to help purchase local foods?
2. Would you have the capacity to file additional claims for reimbursement for your sponsored providers and centers in a different claiming software system?
3. If you answered yes to Question #2, how often could you file these claims? (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, other)
4. If your agency does not have the capacity to file these additional claims for sponsored centers/providers, do you feel that your sponsored facilities would have the capacity/ability?
5. If you answered yes to Question #4, how often do you think that facilities could file these claims? (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, other)
6. Would you have any capacity to help train your sponsored facilities on this new program (if training/training materials were provided by the state agency)?
7. What is the availability of local foods in your general area?
8. Do you have any input/concerns regarding distribution/pick-up of local foods in your area?
9. Would your sponsored facilities benefit from/consider using a CSA to buy local foods? (CSA= Community Supported Agriculture: a method of buying local food directly from a farmer. The farm typically provides a box of seasonal goods regularly throughout the season.)
10. Do you have any other ideas/input/concerns that you'd like to share?
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