[Cacfp] FW: NEW! Family Style Meal Service With Children in the CACFP
Mank, Alissa M
Alissa.M.Mank at maine.gov
Thu Feb 29 15:06:27 EST 2024
From: SM.FN.CND-PartnerWeb at usda.gov <SM.FN.CND-PartnerWeb at usda.gov>
Sent: Thursday, February 29, 2024 2:12 PM
Subject: NEW! Family Style Meal Service With Children in the CACFP
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NEW! Family Style Meal Service With Children in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
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USDA Team Nutrition is pleased to announce new Family Style Meal Service With Children in the Child and Adult Care Food Program resources. These resources include:
* An Operator Booklet: includes information on how to help prepare and support children, train staff, and meet CACFP meal pattern requirements to successfully serve meals "family style" in the CACFP.
* Classroom Posters: discussion tools teachers can use in their classrooms to introduce the steps of family style meal service, rules for family style meals, and sample scripts for conversations at mealtime with children.
* Training Slides: ready-to-go presentation slides to help train staff on family style meal service in the CACFP.
* Photographs: original photographs depicting family style meal service in child care and afterschool settings to use in training materials.
* Social media graphics: three animated graphics to help spread the word about this new resource and the benefits of family style meal service.
All materials are free and available online at www.fns.usda.gov/tn/cacfp/family-style-meals<http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/cacfp/family-style-meals>.
Check out our parent newsletter, "Serving Meals 'Family Style'" at www.fns.usda.gov/tn/nibbles<http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/nibbles>.
State agencies are encouraged to share this announcement with their Child Nutrition Program operators and others who may be interested. Team Nutrition's social media graphics can also be used to help spread the word about this new resource.
Join us for Team Nutrition's next CACFP Trainers' Circle Webinar on family style meal service in the CACFP on March 20, 2024. Register now at https://usda-fns-events.webex.com/weblink/register/rb6a45af71e640853bb2d9f20a0e00961.
Questions about these resources may be submitted to TeamNutrition at USDA.gov<mailto:TeamNutrition at USDA.gov>.
¡NUEVO! Servicio de comidas al estilo familiar con niños en el Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos
Team Nutrition del USDA se complace en anunciar nuevos recursos del Servicio de comidas al estilo familiar con niños en los recursos del Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos. Estos recursos incluyen:
* Afiches para el salón de clases: herramientas de discusión que los maestros pueden usar en su salón de clases para presentar los pasos del servicio de comidas al estilo familiar, las reglas para las comidas al estilo familiar y ejemplos de conversaciones a la hora de comer con los niños.
* Fotografías: fotografías originales que representan el servicio de comidas al estilo familiar en sitios de cuidado infantil y después de la escuela para usar como materiales de capacitación.
Todos los materiales son gratuitos y están disponibles en línea en www.fns.usda.gov/es/tn/cacfp/family-style-meals<https://www.fns.usda.gov/es/tn/cacfp/family-style-meals>.
Echa un vistazo a nuestro boletín para padres, Sirva comidas al "estilo familiar" en www.fns.usda.gov/es/tn/nibbles<http://www.fns.usda.gov/es/tn/nibbles>.
Motivamos a las agencias estatales a compartir este anuncio con los operadores de Programas de Nutrición Infantil y otras personas que puedan estar interesadas.
Las preguntas sobre estos recursos pueden enviarse a través del correo electrónico TeamNutrition at USDA.gov<mailto:TeamNutrition at USDA.gov>.
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