[Cacfp] Reminder: Maine CACFP Infant Feeding Documentation Requirements

Taylor, April April.Taylor at maine.gov
Wed Aug 7 07:44:53 EDT 2024

Documenting infant feeding in the CACFP can be challenging due to differences in developmental readiness, staff turnover and other factors.  To stay in compliance, ensure that your program is meeting the following Maine CACFP requirements for documenting infant feeding:

  *   You must maintain a daily, dated menu for all infants participating in CACFP.  The daily, dated menu must be made available to parents/guardians.
  *   You must maintain documentation showing:
     *   Each infant's name and age (or, instead of recording the infants' ages, you may document their CACFP infant age group instead: the CACFP infant age group "A" indicates that the infant is age birth- 5 months and the CACFP infant age group "B" indicates that the infant is age 6-11 months).
     *   The amounts of formula and/or breastmilk served (NOT consumed) to each infant at each meal and snack
     *   The specific solid foods offered to each infant at each meal and snack

  *   This information can be recorded on the daily, dated menu -or- it can be recorded on a separate document
Maine CACFP has developed two forms to help programs document infant feeding:

  *   The Daily Infant Sheet: this form captures infant feeding for one infant for one day.  It was designed in such a way that it can be made into a carbon copy so that you can keep one copy for your records and send the other copy home with parents, if desired.
  *   The Daily Infant Portion Menu for Multiple Infants:  this form is designed to capture infant feeding for multiple infants for one day.
  *   Both of these forms can be found on our CACFP Basic Training webpage: https://www.maine.gov/doe/schools/nutrition/cacfp/resources/applicanttraining
  *   Programs may use either of these forms -or- they may use their own method/form to document infant feeding- as long as they capture all of the required information above.
The Maine CACFP will no longer be promoting the use of the Weekly Infant Portion Menu for Multiple Infants due to the number of documentation errors seen on this form during administrative reviews; therefore, this form has been removed from our website.  If programs choose to continue using the Weekly Infant Portion Menu for Multiple Infants, they must meet the above infant feeding requirements, including documenting the amounts of formula and/or breastmilk served to each infant at each meal and snack.
For questions related to CACFP infant feeding, please contact one of the CACFP Nutrition Consultants:
April Taylor:  april.taylor at maine.gov<mailto:april.taylor at maine.gov>
Alissa Mank:  alissa.m.mank at maine.gov<mailto:alissa.m.mank at maine.gov>
Troy Fullmer:  troy.fullmer at maine.gov<mailto:troy.fullmer at maine.gov>
Christina DeRocher:  christina.derocher at maine.gov<mailto:christina.derocher at maine.gov>

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