[Cacfp] Maine DOE Resources: Talking to Children About Gun Violence

Taylor, April April.Taylor at maine.gov
Fri Oct 27 08:30:31 EDT 2023

Good Morning,
Mr. Rodgers once said, "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."
The CACFP Team wants to thank you all for being the helpers. You are all providing a safe place for families and children during this scary time. We wanted to share some resources the Maine DOE put out in the past day in response to the horrific tragedy in Lewiston.
Resources for Talking to Children About Gun Violence- This includes recommendations on how to talk about this incident with children at different grade levels as well as external resources on talking to students about violence and addressing trauma.
If we can support you or your providers in any way, please reach out to our office anytime. Thank you to those sites in Lewiston that have reached out to us to let us know that their children, families, and staff are safe and accounted for. Our hearts go out to all families and friends affected and to those that are supporting those families during this difficult time. We are here for you.
Stay well, stay safe,
April, Alissa, Maeghan, and Troy

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