[Cacfp] Maine Early Childhood Physical Activity Symposium Registration is Live!

Taylor, April April.Taylor at maine.gov
Wed May 31 08:23:47 EDT 2023


Registration is now open for the Maine Early Childhood Physical Activity Symposium at the University of Maine in Augusta on July 28 & 29, 2023.

Looking to learn and try out new ideas to keep kids active?  Want to connect and engage with other ECE professionals? This event is for you!!!!

The Maine Early Childhood Physical Activity Symposium is an opportunity for early childhood educators to learn, network, and engage with each other. Attendance is free!

Day 1: Kick off the symposium with us on Friday (7/28) night from 4:00pm - 8:00pm at the Provider Wellness Night (optional)! We all need some self-care, and you'll definitely want to get in on these fun practical activities. Learn new wellness strategies and activities that you can use yourself as well as bring back to the classroom. Wellness care package included, and dinner will be provided. Check in and networking open at 3:00pm.

Day 2: On Saturday (7/29), the focus will be on physical activity. Come join us from 9:00pm - 4:00pm for speakers and breakout sessions focused on evidence-based strategies for getting children moving and exploring both inside and outside the classroom. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Check in and networking open at 8:00am.

There will also be plenty of giveaways and resources available during both Friday and Saturday events!

We hope you can join us!

Click here to view event details and register!<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/maine-early-childhood-physical-activity-symposium-tickets-641696961887>

The Maine Early Childhood Physical Activity Symposium is funded and hosted by MCD's Healthy Kids Healthy Future Program in partnership with the Maine CDC Obesity Prevention Program, Physical Activity Learning Session (PALS) Maine Trainer Network, Let's Go!, Maine Road to Quality Professional Development Network, and Family Child Care Association of Maine.

For questions, please contact Healthy Kids Healthy Future Program Coordinator, Marissa Romano at mromano at mcd.org<mailto:mromano at mcd.org>.

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